Wednesday, October 22, 2014

What the heck is a Dougie?

My husband claims I need something to do while I am home, as if I just sit around all day and do nothing. Uh, ok.. I'll admit it, while I do take care of the baby and I do occasionally do housework, I would say that about 65% of my time is watching TV and surfing the internet.

I never said I was June Cleaver.

As much as I would like to think that I can dance, I have never "done the dougie" and its not up there on my list of preferred dance moved. I am kind of a bounce and sway type of girl. You know those old ladies at weddings where they bounce and step, bounce step.. yeah.

The 'Dougie' in our home is what my eldest son decided to call his security blanket. When he first started talking I tried to get him to say 'blankie' and he decided Dougie was good enough. From then on Dougie became a member of our family, he has no personality and my son never once referred to it as 'he' but I would be lost without him.

I decided when my son chose his security object that I wasn't going to be one of those parents who accidentally loses it on an outing and then has to frantically call every place we have been or backtrack our entire day chasing down some cheap toy or blanket. So when the choice was evident that this lime green Carter's blanket was the item, I went out and purchased 3 more. This guaranteed that if we did lose one I would have 3 more as back up. I wanted to avoid the 'dead hamster' syndrome of 'this doesn't look like Dougie' when presented with a replacement so I put all 4 blankets to use so they would have equal wear and tear.

 Here is Dougie:

This is one of only 2 Dougies that have survived my sons 8 year existence. If I can say anything about Carter's blankets, man, those things are built to last. What happened to the other 2? Well one met an untimely death when, as a 2 year old, my son decided that the babysitters hot wood stove was an excellent place to put Doug and he melted. Another one made it over to dad's house and when my son turned 7 his father decided that Doug had to go and he took it away from him, never to be seen again.

I have no such rules at my house, though when my son was 6 Doug was no longer allowed out of the house. Except for sleepovers at the grandparents, he and his twin brother are now homebodies.  They seem ok with it.

I recently had a baby, known from here on as Chunkums, and we decided that it would be a good idea to find him a Dougie of his own.  Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a blanket that looks like this?  You know the one, some kind of soft fabric backed and bordered with satin.  Did you know that this is not something that exists anymore?  I thought this was the standard, traditional baby blanket.  When I think baby blanket this is the template I think of.   Unfortunately for little Chunkums, we had to settle for something else.  So without further ado, here is Dougie II.  

Notice the strange, yet newly popular "nipple" fabric.  Its a nice blanket, Carter's of course, but its no Dougie I.   We are currently in possession of two of these but are on the search for at least one more, preferably two.    

And with that I leave you for now... the batteries just ran out on the baby swing and Chunkems would like to eat now.